Connect Add/Edit FAQs


Click here for detailed instructions on adding a listing in connectMLS.


Q: What does Activation Status mean?

The Activation Status field, which is one of the first fields you will encounter when adding a new listing, determines the status your listing will be once you have finished entering the listing and publish it to the MLS. Click here for more information on the Activation Status field.


Q: I don’t see any option to save as Incomplete. How do I save a listing without making it active?

Incomplete is not a status in connectMLS. Incomplete listings are called Draft listings. When you are done with your Add/Edit session, click the Save Draft button to save your work. It is the same concept as saving as Incomplete in the old Matrix system. 


Q: When I save a Draft listing, will the dates also save or will they get wiped out? 

Yes! connectMLS will save the dates you input. You no longer need to re-enter the dates when you go to publish your Draft listing.


Q: Do I have to save my work after completing each tab?

No. During listing input, your work is automatically saved whenever you move from one tab to another. You can also click the Save Draft button at any point to manually save your listing without activating it.


Q: How do I access my Draft listings?

Go to the Transactions icon to the right of the SmartBar then use the drop-down menu in the upper left to select Draft/Partial Listing. That will give you a list of all your Draft listings. Click the orange pencil icon on the right side of the screen to start editing.
Click here for more details.


Q: Can I still clone another listing?

A: Yes, as long as it is one of your listings and you are still with the same organization as when you originally listed the property. As long as these requirements are met, you can clone from any status (including Expired and Canceled). This is completed from the very first screen, under step 2. Under “How do you want to enter Listing Data”, you would simply select “Fill from Listing and Tax” (Clone and Tax). You will see available fields for MLS number, as well as parcel number.
Click here to learn more about cloning a listing.


Q: Why is Connect flagging my Rooms tab when I go to Validate or Publish my listing?

There is a business rule during listing input that requires you to add the same number of bedrooms in the Rooms tab as appears in the General Rooms Info section at the top of the screen:



Click here for more information about adding rooms to your listing. 

Q: How do I manage the photos on my listing?
You can manage photos while you are entering the listing from the Virtual Tours & Photographs tab. If you have already published the listing, there is a separate option in the Add/Edit menu for managing photos.
Click here for full instructions on managing photos.

Q: How do I upload documents to my listing?

As is the case with photos, you can upload documents during listing input (while the listing is still a Draft) or after you have published the listing. 
Click here for detailed instructions.


Q: I am the Admin/Manager/Broker of my office. How do I manage listings for my agents?

When you go to Add/Edit> View/Manage My Listings & Transactions, there will be three drop-down menus in the top left corner. Use the first drop-down to select the desired agent. The second drop-down groups that agent’s listings by status and the third menu filters listings by property type.
Click here for more information about how you manage your office’s listings.


Q: Can a listing still be uploaded from TransactionDesk?

No, you can no longer fill out a listing input form in TransactionDesk and import it to the MLS as an INC listing. However, you can use the Generate Listing Sheet feature in Add/Edit to populate all the data entered during the input process into a listing input sheet. You can then upload that into TransactionDesk or print/email it to your client.
Click here for more information about generating a listing sheet from your Draft listing.


Q: Will I still be able to enter Delayed or Coming Soon listings?

Yes, you can still enter Delayed and Coming Soon listings on connectMLS. All compliance rules and regulations still apply to listing agreements.


Q: Can I set a listing to go active in the future (tomorrow, next week, etc.)?

No, this is not a feature currently in connectMLS. You can add the listing to Connect ahead of time as a Draft listing, but you must activate it manually when the list date arrives.


Q: How do I save a listing as Coming Soon?

If you're starting from scratch, there is an Activation Status field at the very beginning of the listing input process that allows you to set the status the listing will be when you are done entering it and want to publish it to the MLS. This is where you set the listing to be a Coming Soon listing:



After that, fill out the rest of the listing information (including the Expected Active Date) and click Publish Listing when you're finished. Your listing will automatically change from Coming Soon to Active when the Expected Active Date has arrived.

If you're working from a Draft listing, make sure you have uploaded both the Listing Agreement and the Coming Soon Addendum as private documents (click here for instructions on uploading documents). Once you do, go to the Transactions icon and use the drop-down menu in the top left to view your Draft/Partial Listings. Click the desired listing to open the input form, then use the Validate button to make sure you have not skipped any required fields or filled out any fields incorrectly. Once everything is all set, click Validate for Publishing in the upper right. That should save the listing as Coming Soon for everyone to see.

Click here for more instructions.







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