Entering rooms during add/edit


When you are adding a residential listing (Single Family for Sale, Condo for Sale, Multi-Family for Sale, Residential Rental) in connectMLS, the Rooms tab plays a vital role in telling the tale of the property. It can contain a large amount of useful information and help other agents and their clients get to know many of the aspects that make the property special.

This article is designed to help you get the most out of the Rooms tab while entering (or modifying) your listing.



If you started entering your listing by clicking Fill from Tax, the information in the General Rooms Info section (at the top of the Rooms tab) populates from the tax record:



The 2024-02-26_11-35-02.jpg  to the right of the fields indicates the autofilled data came from the tax record.

The data in these autopopulated fields can be overwritten if it is inaccurate. If you overwrite it with your own data, you will likely get a warning message when you go to Publish the listing. That warning serves as a heads up that some of your listing data differs from the tax record information. It is a good idea to double check those fields, but the warning will not prevent you from publishing the listing. 


If there is an issue with the information on the tax record, please follow the steps in this article to report the issue so we can get it corrected.



If you started entering your listing by clicking Fill from Listing and Tax (Clone + Tax), the information in the General Rooms Info section (at the top of the Rooms tab) populates from both the tax record and the listing you cloned from: 




The 2024-02-26_12-14-50.jpg  to the right of fields indicates that both sources (tax record and cloned listing) have the same information. Hovering your mouse cursor over that icon shows the data:




The 2024-02-26_11-40-16.jpg to the right of fields indicates that there is differing source information from both the tax record and the listing you cloned from. In these instances, the information from the tax record overrides that which populated from the cloned listing. Place your mouse cursor over the icons to see that source's data:








If you started entering your listing by manually entering all listing data (Parcel Number 999999999) you will see either of these icons to the right of any fields because you are entering the listing from scratch (it is not pulling in data from a tax record or previous listing).



Room Details

The Room Details section is where you can really begin painting the picture of your listing. This is where you can list all of the rooms and indicate their size/dimensions as well as their location within the structure. You can also use the Room Features drop-down menu to show what each room has to offer (more on that in a moment).

  • If you started the listing by filling from tax, some rooms may autofill to the Room Details section, but they will not have any dimensions, room level or room features information.

  • If you started the listing by filling from a tax record and a previous listing, the rooms table will populate based on the listing you cloned from. If the previous listing included room dimensions and/or level information, that data will also copy into your new listing. You can overwrite/delete any of this information if it is inaccurate.


Note: when entering rooms on your residential listings, you must enter the same number of bedrooms that appears in the General Rooms Info section at the top of the tab:



You will not be able to publish a listing (save as Active) unless you've entered all the bedrooms.


*** Important: for all residential listings, one of the bedrooms must be entered as a Primary Bedroom. If the listing only has one bedroom, you must label it as the Primary Bedroom. ***


If the rooms do not fill from the tax record or previous listing in the order you would like, do not fear. You can put the rooms on your listing in any order you would like. Unfortunately, you cannot change the order by dragging and dropping the rooms. Use the Room Type drop-down menu to select the correct room for that spot in the Rooms table:


Each room also has its own 2024-02-26_13-09-47.jpg  button in the bottom right that allows you to completely delete it from your listing. Technically, if you wanted to start from scratch and set your own room order, you could use the Remove Room button to delete all but the very first room, At that point, use the Room Type drop-down to change that first room and then use the 2024-02-26_13-17-47.jpg  button to add rooms one by one until you have the order you want.

Note: you cannot enter more than 15 rooms on a listing. If the property you are listing has more than 15 rooms, you'll need to decide which 15 make the cut and leave the rest out of the Rooms section. You can always use the Public Remarks and/or Addendum Remarks fields to include information on those additional rooms.


Each room has its own Room Features drop-down menu that provides a list of features that correspond directly to the choice you made in the Room Type drop-down:



For instance, if you are working with a Dining Room, when you click the Room Features drop-down menu, you will only see options that are applicable to a dining room. You will not have to scroll through a bunch of options that are only relevant to other rooms (a bathroom, for instance).

Currently, the list of room features is not in alphabetical order. This may be something that is adjusted in a future system enhancement. If you are looking for a specific item in the Room Features list, you can use the find feature (hit CTRL+F on a windows computer or command+F on a Mac) and start typing the desired item:




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