What is Activation Status?


At the beginning of the listing input process, one of the fields you are required to complete is the Activation Status field:




This field is where you determine the status the listing will be once you have finished entering the listing and publish it to the MLS.

Some users get nervous or confused when dealing with the Activation Status. They think that their listing will be activated too soon if they click Save Draft.

Setting the Activation Status to Active (or anything else) does not prevent you from being able to save the listing as a Draft. In fact, Connect does not even look at this field when you click Save Draft. When you click Save Draft, the system does not look to adhere to any business rules, which includes ignoring the selection in Activation Status. It simply saves the work you've done thus far. This feature prevents listings from being accidentally activated too soon.

The only time this field comes into play is when you click Validate & Publish Listing. At that point, Connect will check the listing to make sure you have not skipped any required fields (or made too many selections in any multi-select fields). It also makes sure that you have the proper documents uploaded based on the Activation Status you have chosen (Listing Agreement, Coming Soon Addendum, etc.). It is only then that Connect will save the listing according to the Activation Status you have chosen.


It is always a good idea to double check the Activation Status before you publish your listings.


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