When you are working on a listing and would like to save your changes, there are several different screens and processes you will encounter. The type of change you are making plays a large role in what you will see on the screen.
This article is designed to go over the different scenarios and outlines the correct steps to take to save your work successfully.
Saving work on a Draft listing (without publishing the listing):
If you're working on a Draft listing and want to save your changes and keep the listing in the Draft status (you are not ready to make it Active or Coming Soon), simply click the Save Draft button in the top right:
You will get a black confirmation window in the upper right that says Draft changes saved:
That confirmation will disappear after a few seconds. You can then continue working on the Draft listing or click Exit Draft if you're done working on it for now.
Publishing a listing (changing the status from Draft to Active or Coming Soon):
If you are finished entering your listing and would like to publish it as either Active or Coming Soon, click Validate for Publishing:
The validate portion of this feature makes sure you have not missed any required fields, populated fields incorrectly or violated any business rules. If there are issues, you will see a section of Warnings and/or Errors that spells out exactly what needs to be fixed before you are able to publish the listing.
Click here for additional information on Warnings and Errors.
If there are no errors preventing you from continuing, you will see the following screen:
- It will say Listing Successfully Validated in the upper left.
- You must put a check in the I have reviewed all information on this listing for accuracy and completeness check box in the middle of the screen.
- Click the Publish Listing button in the upper right.
You will then see the following confirmation window:
Your listing is now published according to the Activation Status you selected at the beginning of the listing input process (Active or Coming Soon).
You are all set!
Saving changes to a published listing (without changing its status):
If you are making changes to a published listing that do not affect its status (fixing a typo, adding a room, etc.), the process is almost identical to the one above (Publishing a listing as Active or Coming Soon).
Once you're done making your changes, click Validate for Publishing in the upper right corner:
As long as there are no errors to address, the next screen that comes up will say Listing Successfully Validated in the upper left.
Go to the top right corner and click Publish Changes:
You will get a confirmation window and you're all set:
Saving changes to the Basic Listing Information (Activation Status, list agent/office/team info, address info):
If you need to make changes to any of the fields in the Basic Listing Information section, it is vital to remember that there are two different save buttons (though the buttons themselves do not actually say Save) you must click in order to successfully save your changes.
The first opportunity to save your work is on the Edit Basic Listing Information. After you make the necessary changes, click Apply Changes in the upper right:
You will be brought back to the Contract tab and there will be a confirmation window that flashes briefly in the upper right corner:
The second of the two save buttons you must click to save your work is the Validate for Publishing button in the top right corner:
As long as there are no errors to address, the next screen that comes up will say Listing Successfully Validated in the upper left.
Go to the top right corner and click Publish Changes:
You will get a confirmation window and you're all set:
There are several other change forms that are much more abbreviated than the ones we've covered earlier in this article:
When you are working on any of these, there is just a Save button in the upper right corner of the form. As an example, here is the Edit Listing Status form:
Once you have selected the correct status, simply click Save in the upper right and you are done.
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