Separate combined documents

When uploading supplements to your listing, it is vital that you do not combine different types of documents into one upload. For example, there have been instances where the Residential Property Condition Report, Lead Disclosure, Concrete Disclosure and Mold Disclosure forms have all been uploaded to a listing as the Lead Disclosure.

This is problematic for multiple reasons. If another agent (or client) is looking specifically for the Property Condition Disclosure, they would probably assume that it has not been uploaded to the listing because all they see is the Lead Disclosure when they go to Additional Info. 

It can also be frustrating if you go to print a listing that just shows a Lead Disclosure (typically a one page document) and more than a dozen pages print because three other documents are also included in that one document that was labeled Lead Disclosure.


If you have combined multiple individual documents into one uploaded supplement (even just a couple of disclosures), it is important that you break them up and upload them under the correct document type. You can either re-scan the original disclosures individually and re-upload them or, if you have access to a PDF utility (such as Smallpdf), you can try to split the combined document into its individual parts. connectMLS does not have the capability of splitting supplements, so it must be done outside of the MLS.

Once you have the individual supplements broken up into their respective types, make sure to upload them as the correct document type:




The Document Type list has recently been enhanced to help simplify the process of uploading documents to your listing. It is now broken down into three sections (Public Disclosures, Additional Public Documents and Private Documents). Additionally, each document within the Public Disclosures section has its own supplement. 

If you do not see the appropriate selection in the Document Type list, choose Other (at the bottom of the Additional Public Documents section) and then use the Document Name field to enter the desired document name.



Related articles:

Add documents to your listing

Print supplements (attached docs) from connectMLS


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