Print supplements (attached docs) from connectMLS


If you are viewing a property within connectMLS and would like to print one or more of the public-facing documents the list agent uploaded to the listing, please follow these steps.

Click the Additional Info icon 2023-04-17_11-39-02.jpg  to display all of the supplements (they will appear at the top of the column:



Click the desired supplement and it will display in a new window.

At this point, you can either download the supplement to your computer and then print it, or simply click the print icon and print it directly without downloading it first:




This process is great if you want to print some, but not all of the documents on a listing. 



You can also print all of a listing's supplements at one time.

After selecting the desired listing, click the Print icon 2023-10-30_16-44-37.jpg in the upper right corner of the screen:




Scroll down towards the bottom of the Print Listings window and put a check in Print additional documents (download only):




Go back up to the top right corner of the window and click Save as PDF:




This generates a PDF version of the report and all documents that are attached to it and downloads it all to a single file. You can then go to your Downloads folder and print the file all at once.


Note: if you click Print instead of Save as PDF, the listing report will print but the attached documents will not.


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