Entering a Multi-family for Rent listing

To list a multi-family property for rent, go to the Add/Edit menu and click Add New Listing:




Choose Residential Rental as your property type, then select how you'd like to start entering the listing (from a tax record, clone from previous listing, etc.), enter the appropriate MLS Number (if you're cloning from a previous listing) or address (if you're filling from tax) and click Continue.

: in this article, we will demonstrate starting a listing by filling from a tax record:




Verify that you are using the correct tax record, put a check in the box and click Continue:




On the next screen (Specify Basic Listing Information), make sure to choose Multi-Family Rental in the Property Subtype drop-down menu:




The same listing input business rules (required fields, selection limits per field, etc.) that govern the listing entry process for other property types also apply to entering Multi-family rental properties. You can still populate tabs in any order you would like (moving from one tab to another automatically saves your work). You can also save your work at any point by clicking the Save Draft button in the upper right. 


That being said, there are a few things that you should pay close attention to while entering a Multi-family for Rent listing.

On the Structural tab, the square footage fields will populate for the entire property:




If you are just listing one unit, make sure to update the SQFT Est Heated Above Grade and, if applicable, the SQFT Est Heated Below Grade fields accordingly.



If you have begun the input process by filling from a parcel ID, when you get to the Rooms tab you'll see that the information that has populated from the tax record (total rooms, beds, full baths, half baths) is for the entire property:



  • If you are listing one unit (rather than the entire property), make sure you change the numbers in those fields to reflect just the unit you are listing.

  • Once you've done that, you must also go through the Room Details section (right beneath the General Rooms Info section from the image above) and adjust it according to the unit you are listing. The section will have filled in with the total number of bedrooms for the entire property. Make sure to delete any additional bedrooms (and any other rooms) that are not within the unit you are listing. Additionally, set one of the bedrooms as the Primary Bedroom and be sure to enter (at minimum) the level for each bedroom in the unit. 

When you go to Publish the listing, you will get a warning that the rooms information does not match the tax record. That warning will not prevent you from publishing the listing. Just put a check in the I have reviewed all information on this listing for accuracy and completeness check box and click the Publish Listing button in the upper right to complete the process:






Related articles:

Entering rooms during add/edit

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