Did you know that you can access searches that you have run recently from the right side of a search screen?
When you open a search, the search screen itself takes up about 75% of the screen. The remainder of the screen (on the right-hand side) is a column that provides some very useful information:
The top of this column displays the number of matches, gives you the ability to download the listings to a spreadsheet (also known as an export), lets you save the search and shows you the criteria (known as filters) you used in your search.
The rest of the column (My Searches) provides quick, convenient access to your recent searches and searches you have already saved.
Clicking Previous Searches lists your 100 most recent searches in chronological order, with the most recent appearing at the top of the list:
- As new searches are run, they will appear at the top of the list and the oldest searches will drop from the list.
- You are not able to manually delete any searches from the Previous Searches section.
- Clicking the link at the top of the search (where the date, timestamp and property type appear) loads the search criteria on your screen.
- Clicking the
icon re-runs the search and displays the matching listings.
Related articles:
Access recent activity through the SmartBar
How to search through your Saved Searches
Accessing and working with Saved Searches in connectMLS
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