Manual email: Client's perspective
When you manually send an email from connectMLS, the subject line reads Property search results from <your name>.
This is what the client will see when they open the email (the email has been broken up into two images for demonstration purposes):
- The message portion comes directly from the email template you choose to use when sending the email. The wording in the image above is from the Manual Listing Message Template.
All email templates are customizable, allowing you to create messages (including the subject line) with your own wording.
Click here for an article on customizing the connectMLS email templates. - Clicking the View Details link brings the recipient into their own personalized Client Portal and displays the Full Detail report for the selected property.
- There are a couple additional links that bring the recipient into their Portal's dashboard.
There is also a link for the recipient to request a username and password (if they are having problems accessing their Portal).
- Your Business Card information populates the email signature. This is an optional setting that appears at the bottom of the email screen (before you send the email from Connect).
Click here for an article that walks you through setting up your Business Card. - The criteria you used when searching for the listings you emailed is included at the bottom of the email.
- In compliance with anti-spam laws, there is always an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email sent from the connectMLS system.
If your client accidentally clicks ubsubcribe and you can no longer send them Connect emails, follow these instructions to opt them back in.
Manual email: Agent's perspective
If you BCC yourself on an email that you have manually sent to a client, the majority of the email looks identical to the images above. The subject line reads Property search results from <your name>, just like the client's copy.
The only difference is the section at the top of your email:
The major thrust of this message to you (the agent) is that it is a copy of the email the client received and you should not forward this email to anyone. If you forward this email, you are essentially sharing information about your client and the listings and messages you are sending them. DO NOT FORWARD THIS EMAIL.
There is also a link that allows you to view the listings yourself without running the risk of the information being changed from new/unread.
Auto email: Client's perspective
When you set up a client for a connectMLS auto email, there are three different types of emails that they can receive. The subject line and message in the top portion of each email template is completely customizable- you are in control of what they say (click here for details).
The bottom section of these emails are largely identical (and pretty much the same as the images in the manual email section above). We will highlight the differences in the top section of these three types of auto email notifications:
- The Initial Notification email is the first email that goes out after you create the auto email. This email (also referred to as a Welcome email) contains all listings that currently match the saved search criteria you have set up for the client.
The subject line of the email reads <agent name> has sent ## properties:
- The New/Changed Listings Notification email goes out when new or changed listings come on the MLS that match the client's search criteria
The subject line of the email reads # New or updated property matches/matched your search criteria:
- The Zero Match Notification email is sent for auto emails that are set to run on a daily or weekly schedule (as opposed to real-time). This is an optional setting when creating the auto email that sends an email when the search runs at its scheduled time but finds no new matching listings. It lets the client know that you're still on top of things for them, but there just aren't any new listings to send them at the moment.
The subject line of the email reads <client name>, no new property matches today:
Auto email: Agent's perspective
All of the emails you recieve as a BCC will say (Realtor Copy of Search Results) at the end of the subject line. The first part of the subject line will have the same text as the client's copy.
Much like a manually sent email, your copy will look similar to your client's except for the section at the top of the email.
- Initial Notification email
- New/Changed Listings email
- Zero Match Notification email
To summarize, the agent's BCC email for both manual and automatic emails is identical to the email the client receives except that it includes a message at the top explaining that it is a copy and that it should not be forwarded. Even the subject line is identical to the client's email- it just includes text so you know immediately that it is your copy of their email.
The text within the email message is completely configurable, as is the subject line. We encourage you to check out the default email templates and create your own templates if you would like to add your own wording. Click here for an article that walks you through customizing email templates.
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