Enter a listing from a tax record (Fill from Tax)

Note: before you begin your listing entry journey, it is a good idea to use the New Workspace feature to have a separate connectMLS instance open (in addition to your listing input screen). If you need to run a search, find a tax record, etc. while you are entering your listing, you can do so in the additional workspace without having to close your listing input session.


There are three options to choose from when you start the process of entering a listing:




The Fill from Tax option allows you to enter the parcel number and/or address information in order to use the property's tax record to start the input process. If you choose this option and use the Parcel Number field, make sure you are entering the SmartMLS parcel number and not the parcel number from the field card.


Pro tip: less is more when you are searching for the tax record. You can usually find the correct tax record by just entering the City, Street Number and Street Name. Entering too much information can actually be detrimental when searching for the tax record. For instance, if you are using the owner's name in your search, you must enter it exactly as it appears on the tax record. If it is not an exact match, your search will come up empty. 


After you enter the search parameters and click Continue, you will get a list of any tax records that match your search:




Put a check in front of the desired tax record and click Continue

Note: If you click Continue without putting a check in front of the tax record you would like to use to start your listing, you will not be auto-populating from the tax record and, therefore, all of the fields that would have normally filled in will be completely blank and require your manual input.


That will bring you into the listing input form. As you navigate through it, any fields that have autofilled from the tax record you chose will have a 2024-07-15_13-24-26.jpg  icon to the right. If the info that autofills is incorrect or out of date, you can override it with the correct information.

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