Update taxes manually (when the MLS has not processed that town's file yet)


If you have a listing in a town whose new tax year information has not yet been processed within connectMLS, but you would like to manually update the tax data yourself, please follow these instructions:

Go to the Add/Edit> Edit Listing Details:




Enter the list number and click Submit:




Go to the Location Info tab and scroll down to the Property Taxes section:





Enter in the updated property tax, assessed value, base mil rate and tax year.

Click Validate for Publishing to save your changes:




As long as there are no errors to address, the next screen that comes up will say Listing Successfully Validated in the upper left.

Go to the top right corner and click Publish Changes:





You will get a confirmation window and you're all set:





Related articles:

Where do I go to edit my listing?

Assessment update schedule

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