What is the difference between Validate and Validate for Publishing?

When you are entering a listing, there are several important buttons in the top right corner of the screen:



You may wonder why there are two different Validate buttons. While it may seem to be redundant, these buttons are used for different purposes.


  • Validate checks all fields on all tabs to see if there are any problems. Among other things, it makes sure you have not skipped over any required fields or selected too many options in any of the multi-select fields (ex: choosing more than the maximum number of 6 in the Interior Features field).

    If any issues are found, the tabs where the problematic fields are located will become shaded in red and outlined with a dotted line: 


    Clicking Validate will also save any changes you have made to the listing and keep it in the Draft status. It will not activate the listing or save it in any other status. After clicking Validate, you can continue working on the listing or exit the draft and go on your way.


  • Validate for Publishing is the button to click when you are ready to save the listing in the Activation Status you selected at the beginning of the input process (Active, Coming Soon or Closed- Comparable Only). Click here for a refresher on the Activation Status field.

    As is the case with the Validate button, clicking Validate for Publishing checks all fields in the same manner that Validate does and alerts you to any problematic fields. You must address any missing or erroneous fields before you'll be able to continue. Once you have fixed any issues, click Validate for Publishing again. If there are no other issues, your screen will change and you should see this final screen:


  1. The Listing Successfully Validated message in the upper left lets you know that there are no issues preventing you from publishing the listing. If you would like to get back to the listing input form without publishing, click anywhere on the text.

  2. It is vital that you review the information in the Listing Summary section in the middle of the screen, especially the Activation Status. That is the status the listing will be when you publish the listing.

  3. After verifying the information in the Listing Summary, you must put a check in the I have reviewed all information on this listing for accuracy and completeness check box.

  4. The final step is clicking Publish Listing in the upper right. This finishes the listing input process and switches the status of the listing from Draft to whatever you have selected as the Activation Status.



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