If you are on a listing within our connectMLS system and need to report incorrect tax information, go to the Full Detail report and click the Additional Info link in the upper right:
On the Additional Info menu, scroll down and click Tax Record:
That will open up the SmartTax Property Record (tax record) that is associated with the listing.
At the very bottom of the property report you will see four yellow links- click Report Data Issue:
That opens a new tab within your web browser, providing you with a form to complete that details the nature of the issue:
Use the drop down at the top of the form to select the category that most closely matches the problem:
The middle section of the form is where you enter your contact information:
The bottom section of the form is a free text field where you report what is wrong with the tax record.
Click Submit when you're done.
You will get an email confirmation from SmartMLS once your error has been received. You may also receive a request for supporting documentation, such as a field card or release.
Once your error report has been received, The Warren Group researches the issue with town hall and updates the tax record accordingly. When they have made the necessary corrections in their database, the information goes to the SmartTax programmers to be updated and posted. The tax update/corrections file is posted to the SmartTax system once a week.
Once the error has been reported, the process takes a minimum of 10-15 business days to be corrected on SmartTax. There is no need to report an error more than once. Doing so will not result in the issue being addressed any faster. In reality, it could actually prolong the process of the error getting corrected.
You will be contacted by SmartMLS when the correction has been made.
If you have any questions about this process, please send an email to tax@smartmls.com.
Note: this is the same process that has been in place in Matrix for reporting tax data errors.
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