Where are clients stored in connectMLS?


*** This article applies to clients that have been copied over from Matrix as well as those you have added manually. ***


Any Clients that have been added to connectMLS, either manually by the agent or those that were added to the old Matrix system and automatically copied over to Connect, are located in the My Clients section. 


You can access My Clients through the 2023-06-16_10-36-33.jpg  icon in the upper right corner of Connect:




This menu bar is available throughout the connectMLS system, regardless of the screen you are currently on.


You can also access My Clients through the Shortcuts widget on the Connect home page:




Regardless of how you access My Clients, the screen you see when you open it up is the same:




There are tiles towards the top of the screen that show you those clients you have most recently viewed, as well as those that have recently marked listings with some sort of interest in their Portal:




You can use the letters going across the top of the screen to go directly to specific clients (based on their last name):




You can use the Edit Columns button to add/remove/reorder the fields that appear on the screen:





You can use most of the column headers to sort your client list. For instance, if you wanted to group all of your buyer clients together, click the word Type at the top of the column and all of your clients will be grouped alphabetically by type (buyer, client, investor, seller, etc.).


Clicking the name of a client will open their Dashboard, at which point you can view their Portal, view any saved searches attached to their account, see listings they have marked as Favorites and much more.




Related articles:

Add a Client in connectMLS

Edit a connectMLS Client

Delete clients in connectMLS





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