Set custom report as your default report


Did you know? If you have created a custom report with the fields and order that you want, you can set that report as your default for that property type.

For instance, if you performed a Single Family & Condo search, viewed the results in the List View (single line) report and then customized the report (added/removed fields, rearranged the order that the fields appear, changed the sort order, etc.), you can make that custom report the one that automatically comes up after every Single Family & condo search you perform (including Hotsheet searches).


Note: this article assumes that you have already created a custom report. Click here for a refresher on this process.


To set one of your custom reports as your default, run a search for the desired property type (Single Family & Condo, for instance) and view the results. Go up to the top left and click the Modify Columns drop-down menu to view your custom reports:




Find the custom report you would like to be your default and click the pencil icon 2023-06-13_11-01-19.jpg:




There are a few steps to set the custom report as your default:



  1. Click the Advanced tab.
  2. Put a check in the box for Make this my default report for Single Family & Condo (if you had started this process from a different property type search, that property type would appear here).
  3. Click Save Changes.


Going forward, whenever you run a search for the same property type (in this case, Single Family & Condo), the results will always display in the custom display you selected as your default. This even goes for Hotsheet and Tour/open House searches of the same property type.




Related articles:

Customize the List View report in connectMLS

3-Across report in connectMLS




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