Customize the List View report in connectMLS


When creating the default List View (single line) report, we had a finite amount of space to work with and tried to include the most useful fields.  Naturally, there may be fields on this display that you might not use frequently, and there may be others that you would prefer to be on it. Thankfully, connectMLS is a very flexible system and allows you to easily customize the List View and add/remove/rearrange fields to suit your needs.


There is a Modify Columns drop down menu in the top left corner of the List View:



  • After you click the drop down, if you have already created a custom report in connectMLS, you will see the following menu:


      • System Default represents the default List View report (the report we were on when we started the customization process).
      • Any custom reports you have already created will appear beneath System Default.
      • Click Edit Columns to create a new custom report.
  • If this is the first custom report you are creating, you will be brought directly to the Add Custom Table window (this is the same window you get after clicking Edit Columns):



  1. The Available Fields section is an alphabetized list of all of the fields that you can add to the report.  You can either start entering the field you would like in the blank field at the top or just scroll down the list and click the plus sign next to any field(s) you want on your custom report.

  2. Currently Selected Fields is a list of the fields that are already on the report.  Click the X next to any fields that you would like removed from your custom report.  

  3. If you click the Advanced tab (towards the upper left), you have the ability to change the orientation of your custom report.  So instead of being a single line (horizontal) report, you can make it a side-by-side comparison report:


    You can also change the header names for each of the fields if you'd like.
    When you're finished customizing, you can even set your custom report as the default report for the type of search you are currently performing.

  4. You must give your custom report a name in the Table Name field at the top.

  5. Click Save when you're done.


Once you have created and saved a custom report, you can access it from the Modify Columns drop down list:
If you hover your mouse cursor over the custom display, you can use the pencil icon to modify the display or the trash can to delete it:
You can also access your custom displays from the Reports menu:
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