connectMLS provides a simple yet elegant solution for sharing a link to a listing (or group of listings). This can be very helpful if you would like to post your listing to your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), email a listing to a recipient that has not been added to connectMLS as a Client, or text a listing (or several) on the run.
The Share icon appears in the top right corner of the screen, regardless of the report you are on:
Note: depending on your operating system and web browser, the Share icon may look a little different. For instance, if you are on a Mac and using the Chrome web browser, the icon looks like a chain link .
You can also access this feature by going to Additional Info and clicking Share Public Link:
Note: Accessing the Share feature through Additional Info does not allow you to share multiple listings. It will only share the listing you are currently viewing.
If you would like to share more than one listing, use the check boxes to select the desired listings, then click the icon in the upper right (next to the email icon).
The Share feature works from all operating systems and major web browsers. It also works if you are accessing through the SmartMLS app on your iPhone or Android phone.
The options you see after clicking the Share icon will vary depending upon the device and operating system you are using.
For example, when accessing connectMLS through the Chrome browser on a Windows desktop, you will see options for Windows apps (such as Mail and OneNote) alongside the option to copy the link:
After clicking Copy Link, you can then paste the link directly to your social media accounts. You can also paste the link into an email (from your own email program/app) and send the listing to someone who is not in connectMLS as a Client. This bypasses the limitation in connectMLS where you can only send an email to someone you've added to your My Clients list.
This is what you see when accessing the SmartMLS app on an iPhone:
This provides you with access to the iOS system sharing options and apps.
Regardless of the device/browser you are using when you share the link, your recipient receives a detailed, public-facing listing report that provides a comprehensive view of the property, including access to all of the photos and virtual tour(s), if present.
Note: Listings texted to clients via the Share option will not be displayed in your Client Activity Widget because the process of sending them takes place via your personal text messages rather than through the ConnectMLS email server.
Important info for iPhone users:
If you are sharing a listing from your iPhone to another iPhone user who has not added you to their phone's Contacts, when the recipient gets your text, they will not be able to simply tap the link and open the property:
This is due to an iOS security feature designed to prevent potentially dangerous links from being easily opened, since it is not advisable to open links from an unknown source. Technically, you should be able to copy the link, paste in into a web browser on your phone and it should open normally.
If the recipient adds you into their phone as a Contact, the link will become active and they should be able to just tap on it to view the property.
This issue does not affect sharing links to or between Android devices.
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