connectMLS Client Portal


When you add a customer as a Client in connectMLS, the system automatically creates them their own personal web page, called a Portal. The Portal, which is branded with your agent information, is their one-stop shop for all of your interactions, including any listings, documents, CMAs, reports, etc. you have sent them from connectMLS. The Portal is a professionally branded, secure site that you both can use throughout your partnership for easy, seamless communication and collaboration.

When a client logs into their Portal, this is what they will encounter:




This landing page is known as the Dashboard.

  • In the upper left, Clients can quickly access any new listings you have sent them, as well as keep tabs on listings they have marked with any level of interest, or lack thereof (Favorites, Maybes or Not Interested) or those that they have commented on. They can also access any messages they have sent/received from you.
  • The center column is a running feed of anything you have sent the Client. This includes, but is not limited to, listings, CMAs, statistical reports and messages. There are two drop down menus at the top of the column that allow the Client to filter what they see in this feed. The left menu allows them to choose individual categories (or see all at the same time), and the right menu allows them to choose the time period (1, 2, 7 or 30 days, or all time).
  • Your agent contact information occupies the right column. Click here for directions on how to configure and adjust this information.


There are four tabs across the top of the Portal that provide access to a variety of features:



The first tab is the Dashboard. As we just mentioned, this is the landing page that appears when your client first opens their Portal.

The second tab is My Searches. This section displays all searches associated with the Client. This includes those searches you have created for them (both saved and automatic), as well as any the client has created for themselves within their Portal.




The My Searches section at the bottom gives the Client access to any searches they have created and saved for themselves (Saved Searches), as well as all of the searches they have run on their own (Previous Searches).


The third tab, Favorites & Comments, is where a client can review the properties they have marked with some level of interest (Favorite, Maybe or Not Interested):




Clients are also able to see comments they have left on listings, and add more if necessary:




The last tab in the Client Portal is Search Listings. This is where clients can perform their own searches against our entire listing database:




There are a few search fields along the top of the screen (above the map), and additional fields are available on the right side of the screen.

Click here for an article that covers client Portal searches in more depth.


Make sure to check out the following SmartMLS training video- Introduction to the Client Portal:





Related articles:

connectMLS Portal Searches

connectMLS Portal notifications





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