When searching the MLS for rental properties, laundry room details, such as amenities and location, can play a large role in the properties your client will consider. Thankfully, you can use the versatility of the connectMLS search screen to help your rental client find the ideal home.
Laundry-related fields are not on the Residential Rental search screen by default. To add them, go to the bottom right and click the Add/Remove Fields button:
Type the word laundry in the Filter field at the top of the list on the left side of the screen. That will narrow the list of available fields to Laundry Room Info and Laundry Room Location:
Click the + next to the field(s) you would like to add to the search screen, then click Save Changes in the upper right corner. That brings you back to your rental search screen and the field(s) you added will appear at the bottom:
The Laundry Room Info field allows you to choose from several different features (basement hook-up(s), coin operated, common) as well as the level the laundry room is on:
You can choose as many of these options as needed. The field operates as an OR search filter, meaning the more options you choose, the larger the number of results. It will find listings that have any of the selected features.
The Laundry Room Location field is a free text field where you can search for such things as in unit, washer/dryer, in-unit landry, etc.
Due to the nature of free text fields, which are at the mercy of what the list agent entered, you may have to get creative when entering your keywords. The more combinations you try, the more matches you will potentially find.
The fields are combined on the larger reports (Full Detail, Agent Full, etc.) to give a more comprehensive view of the property's laundry features:
Adding these two fields to your search and using them together is a great way to find those units that contain the laundry features that are best for your client.
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