Withhold from MLS info sheet

If your seller has come to the decision on their own that they do not want their property listed on the MLS, and thus not benefit from the exposure to our 21,000+ subscribers and their clients, it is a Withhold from MLS (WFMLS) listing. There are still procedures that must be followed in order to remain in compliance with the SmartMLS Rules & Regulations.

This article is designed to help you throughout the process of inputting and maintaining a Withhold from MLS listing.

  • The property must still be entered in connectMLS as you would any other listing:
    • The listing must be entered in Connect within 48 hours of the signed Listing Agreement, just as any other traditional listing.
    • When entering the Basic Listing Information at the beginning of the listing input process, you must select Yes in the Withhold from MLS YN field. This will make the listing invisible to all MLS users except for you, your office's management hierarchy and SmartMLS staff.
    • Fill out the rest of the input form- all required fields and input rules are the same as if it were a traditional listing.
  • While the listing is still in the Draft status, you must upload the fully executed Instruction to Withhold Listing From MLS form.
  • No one will be able to search for or see your Withhold from MLS listing.
  • You cannot see anyone else's Withhold from MLS listings.
  • Withhold from MLS listings will not be syndicated anywhere.
  • You and the seller can determine whatever marketing plan you want to employ.
  • You will not have access to ShowingTime to set up online showing appointments for a WFMLS listing. That is completely on you and the seller to coordinate.
  • You are still able to access the listing through the Add/Edit menu:
    • We want the information to be as accurate as possible because WFMLS listings will automatically turn into Comp Only listings when they are marked Closed.
    • You will still be able to make data/photo/status/price changes and extend the expiration date.
    • After 30 days, you will be able to convert the listing from WFMLS to a traditional listing (at the seller's request).
    • Even though Withhold from MLS listings are not visible to other agents or clients, it is recommended (but not required) that you maintain your WFMLS listing throughout its lifecycle and update the status, price and listing information as necessary. That way, if the time comes to mark the listing Closed (at which point it automatically becomes a Comp Only listing) or your seller decides they would like the listing activated for all to see, it will be easier for you to do so. Trying to retroactively enter the necessary dates and other status-related information can be cumbersome and often requires intervention from SmartMLS staff. 
  • If your seller has a change of heart and decides they would like the listing activated and visible on the MLS:
    • The listing has to remain in the Withhold from MLS status for at least 30 days before it is able to be switched to an Active/traditional listing.
    • The Instruction to File Listing with MLS form must be signed by the list agent and the seller and uploaded to the listing as a Private supplement. You will not be able to convert it to a traditional listing without first uploading this paperwork.
    • Days on Market will start accruing with the list date on your Listing Agreement, not the date it is activated on the MLS. The listing will come on the MLS as a New listing with at least 30 days of market time.
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