Switching a UC-CTS or UC listing to a backup offer

If you have a listing that is in the Under Contract- Continue to Show (UC-CTS) or Under Contract (UC) status where the deal has fallen through and the seller has accepted a backup offer, please contact the SmartMLS so we can make the necessary changes.

We will need the following information:

  • The new Contract Date.
  • The new Proposed Closing Date.
  • Buyer Agent/Office information (and Buyer Team, if applicable).


Unfortunately, none of the change forms in Add/Edit will allow you to make this change yourself. It must be done by someone at SmartMLS.


It is best that you do not try to do this yourself by putting the listing back on market and then immediately marking it UC-CTS or UC. In the brief time it is back on the market (even if it is just for a minute), it is very possible that the listing gets picked up by some IDX sites as being back on the market, which could then cause you and your seller unncessary grief.


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