When does a Coming Soon listing become Active?

A Coming Soon listing will automatically change to Active right after midnight on the Expected Active Date (EAD).

There is nothing you need to do- connectMLS will automatically change the listing from Coming Soon to Active for you. Just make sure you are not in the listing in Add/Edit around midnight of the expected active date. If you have the listing locked in Add/Edit, Connect may not be able to run the procedure that switches it from Coming Soon to Active (at which point you will need to contact SmartMLS staff so we can manually switch it to Active).


REMINDER- there is no way to force a Coming Soon listing to Activate sooner than its EAD. By setting an EAD when you enter a Coming Soon listing, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the fact that the listing cannot be made Active on the MLS until at least that specific date.

The EAD can be extended (to a maximum of 14 days); it just cannot be shortened.

If you do extend the original EAD, you must get a new copy of the Coming Soon Addendum (with the new date) signed by the seller and uploaded to the listing (replace the original Coming Soon Addendum).

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