Extend an Expired listing

Listings can be extended anytime prior to the expiration date.  

Additionally, they can be extended within the first 3 days after the listing expires, provided you have an extension with the seller that was signed prior to the expiration date.

Go to the Add/Edit menu and click Extend Expiration Date:





Enter the list number and click Submit:




A window will open and display the current expiration date:




You can either click in the field, backspace through the current date and enter the new expiration date manually, or use the calendar icon on the right side of the field to select the updated expiration date.


Click Save Changes when you're finished.


Your listing will be Active with a Change Type of BOM (Back on Market).



If it has been more than 3 days since the listing expired, you must get a new listing agreement with the seller and relist the property as New. 


Per SmartMLS Rules & Regulations:

Section 4.16 Expiration, Extension, Renewal and Reactivation of Listings.

Any Listing Filed with the Service automatically expires as of midnight on the expiration date specified in the Listing Agreement, unless the expiration date under the Listing Agreement has been extended by the Listing Broker and the Seller, and, prior to that expiration date, the Listing Broker:

  • obtains written authorization of such extension signed by the Seller and
  • Files with the Service a notice of the extension of the expiration date. An expired Listing may be reactivated if, within three (3) days after the original expiration date of the Listing, the Listing Broker:
  • Files with the Service a notice of reactivation of the Listing and obtains written authorization extending the original expiration date signed by the Seller.
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