If you have already uploaded documents to your listing and need to either make changes to their name, type (public disclosure, other public document, etc.) or audience (all agents, realtors' clients, etc.) or completely delete them, go to Add/Edit and click Manage Documents:
Enter the correct list number and click Submit:
If you do not know the list number, click the View/Manage My Listings link.
Use the drop-down menus in the upper left to search through your listings (by status and/or property type) until you locate the dersired listing:
All documents you have uploaded to the listing will appear on screen:
- You can view any document by clicking the text in the Description column. Each individual description is a link to the document.
- The icons in the Security column show whether the document is private
or public
- The edit icon
on the right side allows you to change the document type, document name or the audience that can access the document:
Delete a document
If you need to delete a document, use the check box on the left to select it, then click the Remove button:
Click OK on the confirmation window:
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