RentSpree YN field


RentSpree is a 3rd party integration within Connect that is designed to streamline your rental transactions by providing online rental applications and instant rental screening reports for potential tenants.


When you are entering a Residential Rental listing, there is a Rent Spree YN field on the Additional Info tab:




This is a required field for all Residential Rental listings. By default, when you are adding a new Residential Rental listing, the field will be blank. You must choose either Yes or No.


If you select Yes, it will create a new option (Apply Online with RentSpree) at the bottom of the Additional Info section of your listing:





Note: we have asked the developers to add a RentSpree icon towards the top of the detailed reports to make it easier for users to access RentSpree. There is no ETA on when that will happen.


When another connectMLS user selects this option on your listing, they will encounter the following screen:



This allows you (as the renter's agent) to immediately screen the renter and get a comprehensive application package that includes:

  1. A completed rental application.
  2. Credit Report.
  3. Background Check.
  4. Eviction Report.


Note: as of 7/1/2022, the RentSpree screening fee will be increased from $30 to $38.  

SmartMLS has nothing to do with RentSpree's pricing structure or the decision to increase the screening fee.  

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