If you have saved a listing as a Draft and would like to print or email it to the seller so they can see what the listing will look like when it is published to the MLS, go to the Add/Edit> View/Manage My Listings & Transactions:
Use the drop-down menu in the upper left to select Draft/Partial Listing:
Locate the desired listing and put a check in the check box on the left to select it.
If you would like to print it, click the Print button:
Choose the type of report(s) you'd like it to be printed in and then click either Print or Save as PDF (in the upper right of the print window):
If you would like to email the listing to your client, click Email after selecting the desired listing:
Go down to step #2 and click Send one-time email:
Make sure to choose Full Detail (or Full Detail w/Photos) if you want the seller to see the listing exactly as other agents will see it on the MLS:
Complete the rest of the email form and click the Send button in the upper right corner.
Technically, you could send it to the client in the normal fashion (instead of clicking one-time email), but that will not allow them to see the property the same way other agents will see it on the MLS (Full Detail). The client will see the listing in the portal views, which are different than the reports that agents see when they are logged into Connect.
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