Team Management
- If you had a Team set up in the MLS prior to September 2020, SmartMLS created a new Team# for it.
- All team members have been added to the new Team#.
- All Active listing inventory will be converted to the new Team#.
- All Closed inventory going back to August 1, 2017 has been moved over to the new Team#.
- The Team# naming convention, which is generated automatically and not customizable, is TM100xxx (the last three digits will be a sequential number).
- All management of the team (adding/deleting team members, etc.) is done solely by SmartMLS staff. If you need to make any changes to your Team, please have the Team Leader contact our Membership department.
- Office Admins cannot be team Leaders.
- Teams have to have at least two members (including the Leader).
- All members must be within the same firm.
- Each member of the Team must be a registered member with the state.
- Only SmartMLS staff can modify the Team's Name. If you need to change you Team Name, please have the Team Leader contact the SmartMLS office.
- If you do not currently have a Team in Connect and would like one created:
- Complete the Team Authorization Form and send it to In addition to the Team Leader, the office's Broker must sign the Team paperwork.
- Click here to download a copy of the Team Authorization Form.
- The fee for having a Team is the same as the MLS Subscriber fee.
- SmartMLS staff will create the Team and assign a Team# and a Team Leader (per the paperwork).
- If you choose to establish a team, you must maintain your personal MLS ID in addition to the Team ID.
Team information on listing displays
- When viewing a listing in the List View (single line) report, the Team name will show in the List Agent field:
- If you click on the List Agent link, the team's information will appear:
- When viewing a listing in the more detailed Agent-facing reports (Full Detail, One-Page, Full, Full-Classic), the List Team information will appear at the bottom of the display:
Listing Management with Teams
- When you are adding/editing a listing, there are fields on the Basic Listing Information screen of the listing input form that accommodate Team information:
- When marking a listing Under Contract- Continue to Show, Under Contract or Closed, there are fields that allow you to find and enter a Selling and Co-Selling Team. Here is an example from the Change to Under Contract- Continue to Show form:
Searching for Teams/Team Members
There are separate roster searches in Connect that are dedicated to finding Teams and/or members of specific teams.
Go to the bottom of the Search menu and you will find a Teams option. From here, you can run separate searches for teams or team members:
Regardless of which search you open, there is drop-down menu in the top left of the search screen that allows you to change the type of search you are running:
Teams in Market Reports
- The Ranking Report (available through the Market Share Report) has been adjusted to include Teams functionality.
- You may run searches comparing agents to agents, teams to teams, offices to offices and firms to firms.
- You may not run searches comparing agents to teams, teams to offices, etc. It must be an apples to apples comparison.
- Use the radio buttons in the Report Type field to select the type of comparison you would like to do:
- When you are in the Agent Production Detail report, you can use the Group By field to narrow your focus to just Teams:
- Much like the Ranking Report, there is no way to run an Inventory and Production report that combines or compares different groups (agents, teams, offices or firms). These reports can only manage one group at a time.
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