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1 If your listing’s photos were provided by anyone other than yourself or a member of the SmartMLS Verified Photographer Network. This includes, but is not limited to, the seller/homeowner, another agent, your friend or a photographer who is not a member of the Verified Photographer Network.
2 Listing photos are creative works that are protected by copyright law. It is vital that you either own the copyright or have the proper license to use any photos that you upload to your listings within the MLS.
3 There is a Find a MLS Verified Photographer link right above the Photographer MLS ID field that allows you to quickly find the ID of the verified photographer you used. Click here for instructions on how to search for verified photographers.
4 The photo license agreement must provide the listing agent with the authority to grant SmartMLS a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license in perpetuity to reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, modify and publicly perform the Content in connection with the real estate industry, including without limitation such uses of the Content in connection with advertising the Listed Properties, to modify any metadata as necessary and to authorize and sublicense such rights to third parties at the discretion of SmartMLS. Sample license agreements are available at www.smartmls.com/sample-agreements.
Additional suggestions :
- If the photos on your listing come from multiple sources, select all options that apply.
- In the near future, connectMLS will not allow you to save your listing as Active if you have chosen Other but have not uploaded your photo license agreement. Please get into the habit of uploading the license agreement while the listing is still in the INC status.
Related articles:
Photographer Information section (on Photographers & Virtual Tours tab in Add/Edit)
Search for verified photographers in connectMLS
Sample photo license agreements
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