Types of Listing Service (List Type)


When entering a listing in the MLS, one of the required fields you will come across (on the Contract tab) is List Type:




Selecting the correct service type is important, as it lets other agents know how a transaction may be handled. Choosing the correct service type can be confusing, so we are providing this article as a resource to assist you if you get stuck:

Full Service means that the broker is responsible for providing the seller with all traditional brokerage services, including marketing, MLS input and maintenance, negotiations, etc.

In a Limited Service scenario, the listing agent/broker will provide some services but not others. For example, the seller will be responsible for showings but the agent will participate in negotiations on the seller's behalf. The listing broker may provide one or more of the following:

  • Showings and negotiations.
  • Accepting and submitting offers.
  • Advisement on transactions to the seller.

In an Entry Only situation (often confused with a Comp Only listing), the listing agent/broker is only responsible for entering and maintaining the listing in the MLS. Other responsibilities should be handled by the owner. The listing broker will not provide any of the following:

  • Showing and negotiations.
  • Accepting and submitting offers.
  • Advisement on transactions to the seller.


If a listing is Limited Service or Entry Only, the listing agent should provide as much information as possible to assist fellow agents. Please include any necessary information in the Agent Remarks section.

The listing agent/broker is always responsible for maintaining their listing in the MLS regardless of the listing service type. All listings are still required to be in compliance and should be updated accordingly.

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