Address fields (when entering a listing)


Any addresses entered for a listing in the SmartMLS must match the address on the corresponding Public Record report. 

When entering the address on a listing, it is important to remember to enter the different parts of the address correctly into the individual USPS address fields.


The most common error we see when entering an address is adding the Street Type to the Street Name field. These are separate fields and need to be used separately to avoid an error.  


For example: if the property is on Main Street, the Street Name is Main and the Street Type is Street:


The Street # (or house number) is the number designated by the town and United States Postal Service (USPS) to uniquely identify a property on a street.

Street Dir Prefix and Street Dir Suffix are terms used by the USPS to refer to the part of the address that gives directional information (i.e. N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW). Pre-Directions (Prefix) come before the street name and Post-Directions (Suffix) come after the street type.
Ex: North Main Street and Main Street North.

Street Name is the identifying name given to a road by the municipality when it is constructed. 

Street Type is the word that follows the name of a street to further describe that street. There are 211 street types recognized by the USPS. The SmartMLS has all 211 street available for use, as well as the suffixes Extension and Cutoff. 

Unit Number is the unique designation of a particular unit in a larger structure. 

Zip Code is a postal code used by the USPS. Introduced in 1963, the basic format consists of five digits. In 1983, an extended Zip+4 code was introduced; it includes the five digits of the Zip Code, followed by a hyphen and four digits that designate a more specific location.

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