Service Partners


There are many people who contribute to a successful real estate transaction who are not agents or brokers. Inspectors, lenders, insurance agents, title companies and many others play important roles in the process of buying/selling a property. Collectively, these professionals are known within connectMLS as Service Partners.

Our Connect system allows you to add Service Partners to your account. You can then choose to share their contact information with your Clients through their Portal.


To add a service partner, click the  2024-04-22_16-01-10.jpg icon towards the upper right corner:




When the My Service Partners screen opens, click the 2023-11-17_13-12-06.jpg  button in the upper right corner.

Choose the service partner's primary service type using the check boxes on the left, then click Next:




Enter their contact information (first name, last name, email address and company name are required fields), then click Next:





The final step of the process gives you the option to automatically refer this service partner to all new Clients you add to Connect:




If you do not want to automatically refer the service partner to your clients, leave the chekc box empty and click Finish.


If you choose to automatically refer the service partner to your clients (by putting a check in the box), the window will expand and you will have two additional fields to complete before the provider has been added:



  1. During the process of adding a client, one of the required fields lets you choose the type of client they are (buyer, seller, etc). This drop-down field allows you to choose the client types that this service partner will automatically be referred to.
    This only applies to any new clients you add to Connect going forward. The service partner will not be referred to any clients that you added to Connect before the service partner was added (this topic is covered later in this article).

  2. Choose how you would like the service partner to interact with the clients to whom they have been referred.

Each field has a What is this? link on the right side. It is advisable to click those links, as they provide helpful guidance for understanding what the field does.


Once you're done setting up your new service partner, click Finish.


When you add a new client whose client type matches that which you've associated with the service partner, the client will automatically be referred to the service partner. Additionally, the service partner will receive an email from the Connect system confirming that you (the agent) have referred a client to them. 


The client can see Service Partners that you have referred to them on the left side of their Dashboard:






Referring new Service Partners to existing Clients

If you have added a new service partner and would like to refer them to clients you've already added to Connect, click the Clients icon  2024-04-22_16-27-21.jpg  in the upper right corner:





Click the name of the desired client, then go to the Referrals button in the top right corner and click Add/Edit Referrals:





You will then see a list of all the Service Partners that are available to be referred to the client (based on their client type):




Use the check boxes on the left to select the service partner(s) you would like to refer to the client.  

There are also two checkboxes towards the top of the window (highlighted in orange above) that you can optionally use to notify the client that you've referred service parnters to them and/or notify the service partner you've referred them to a client.


Click Save when you're finished.


You will be returned to the Client's information and can see that the service partner has been added to their Referrals section:






Deleting a Service Partner

If you would like to delete a Service Partner that you have added to connectMLS, click the 2024-04-22_16-01-10.jpg  icon towards the upper right corner:




Use the check box on the left side to select the desired service partner, then click the Delete button in the upper right corner:




Click OK on the confirmation window:




The service parner will disappear from the list. You are all set.

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