Add comps to a CMA from your Favorites folder


Did you know? If you have added listings to your connectMLS Favorites folder, you can add them as comps to your CMA report?

Click here for a refresher on adding listings to your Favorites folder.


Click the 2023-11-17_10-38-39.jpg icon in the upper right corner to access your Favorites folder:





Click on the name of the Favorites folder that contains the listings you would like to add as comps:




Use the check boxes on the left to select the desired listings, then click the CMA icon 2023-11-17_10-44-56.jpg  in the upper right:





Choose the CMA that you would like to add these comps to and click the Add icon:




Note: in order to add listings to a CMA from a Favorites folder, the property type must match the property type that was used when you created the CMA. 


Once you click Add, you will automatically be brought into the Comparables tab of the CMA where you can see the comps you just added:




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