Emails only show agent's last name


If the emails you send from connectMLS only show your last name, click your photos/initials in the top right corner and click Settings:




Go down to the Personal Information section and click Modify my contact information & online business card:




Scroll down to the Display Name section and put a check in either First Name or Nickname:




You cannot select both First Name and Nickname- you must choose one or the other.

The Last Name check box will automatically have a check in it (it will also be greyed out so you cannot adjust it).


If you have a Nickname you'd prefer to use, click the link at the top of the Settings screen to access your membership portal:




When your Member Portal opens, click the Menu in the upper right:




Go to Personal Services and click Personal Information:




Enter your preferred nickname in the Nickname field at the bottom of the page:




Click Save when you're done.




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