Changing Agent/Office/Team information on Closed listings


When a property closes, we want to make sure that all agents/teams/offices get proper credit for their part in the transaction.

Sometimes users forget to add a Co-Selling Agent or the Team# of an agent involved in the transaction at the time the listing is marked Closed in the MLS.  When that happens, please reach out to SmartMLS so we can adjust the listing accordingly. Adjustments to Team IDs (addition/changes) will be done upon request without confirmation from the List Agent/List Office.

If a listing is missing Agent or Team information, or is closed out with the wrong Sales Agent/Office/Team information, SmartMLS Compliance staff are the only ones who can correct the information.

We can only make these types of changes over the phone if the list agent/Broker/Admin is the one requesting the change. If the sales agent/Broker/Admin is requesting the change, they must also provide supporting documentation (a copy of the contract, Purchase & Sales Agreement, etc.) via email to If they do not have any supporting documentation, SmartMLS will send a request to the list agent.

Note: in an effort to maintain efficiency and accuracy, we only make corrections over the phone for individual listings, and only in those instances where the list office is requesting the changes. If you have multiple listings that need to be corrected, please email a list of the MLS numbers (along with their respective corrections) to


The following flow chart provides a helpful way to visualize this policy:



Here are a few additional things to remember about making these types of changes:

  • If a listing was marked Closed prior to the creation/addition of the sales/co-sales agent's Team# in Connect, we cannot add the Team# to the listing. The Team# can only be attached to any listings that were added to the system after the Team was created/added to Connect. A Team cannot get credit for transactions that were closed prior to the Team existing in Connect.

  • We cannot add an agent to a closed listing if they were not a SmartMLS subscriber at the time of the transaction.

  • We cannot change any Listing Agent/Office or Listing Team information once a listing has been marked as closed because that information has become historical data at that point.

  • We will not make changes to the Sales Agent/Office/Team information on a listing that closed more than 1 year (365 days) from the current date.
    Example: if the current date is January 15, 2023, we will not make changes to a listing that was marked closed on January 14, 2022, since the closing occurred more than 1 year ago.

  • If a Listing Agent does not report the closing of a property within 24 hours, Selling Agents can report it via email to and our staff will close the listing with the information provided. If you are on the sale side, providing the P&S, contract, closing statement, etc. can speed up the process. If documentation is not provided, MLS staff will need to reach out to the listing side for confirmation. (Exception: Team changes will be made upon request).

  • If a Sales Agent/Office Admin/Manager/Broker calls to have information corrected on a Closed listing, the info can be changed/updated only if some official document (P&S, Contract, etc.) is provided by the sale side of the transaction. If the sale side is requesting a change and but does not have documentation, SmartMLS will send a request to the list agent.
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