Do INC listings copy over to connectMLS?


Yes! Any INC listings you have in Matrix at cutover (when Add/Edit is turned off in Matrix and activated in connectMLS) will copy over and be available to you within Connect. You will not have to recreate your INC listings in Connect.

INC listings are known as Draft listings in connectMLS. 

When looking at all of your editable listings, there will be a separate section just for your Draft listings:



A Draft listing will remain available in Connect for 180 days since the last time you saved any changes to it. If you have not touched a Draft listing for more than 180 days, it will be purged from the system completely and is not retrievable.

Once you make a change to a Draft listing and save it, the 180 day clock is reset to zero, giving you another 180 days before it is deleted.



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