Ranking Report (in Market Share report)


In connectMLS, the Ranking Report is located within the Market Share Report.

The Ranking Report allows you to generate a list of the top producers in a specified area over a given time frame. You can run the report individually for agents, teams or offices, or run it for a combination of agents and teams (so both will be included in the results).  

Go the Reports menu and select Market Share Report:




Go down to the third field (Type of Ranking) and select Ranking Report:





Use the Report Type field towards the top of the search screen to select who will be included in your report: 


  1. The top section provides insight into your own performance (including how you rank within your own office or organization). It also allows you to gauge how the agents in your office/company rank amongst one another.
  2. The second section allows you to see how another agent/team/office/company stacks up against the top producers for the selected period/area. This can be an effective tool if you are looking to onboard an agent who had been working out of a different office and wanted to see how their performance compares. 


Use the Rank/Sort By field to choose the metric you are comparing:


  • Total Volume- the total combined dollar amount, regardless of which side of the transaction the subject is on. 
  • List Side Volume- rankings are based on total dollar amount for list agents.  
  • Sale Side Volume- rankings are based on total dollar amount for sales agents.
  • Total Transactions- the total combined number of transactions, regardless of which side of the transaction the subject is on.
  • List Side Transactions- rankings are based on total number of transactions for list agents.
  • Sale Side Transactions- rankings are based on total number of transactions for sales agents.
  • Average Price- rankings are based on the average sales price of all transactions, regardless of which side of the transaction the subject is on.

Note: you can only run the report on one metric at a time. You will not be able to select multiple check boxes simultaneously.


The Show Top field allows you to control how many subjects are in your report (the top 10, 25, 100, etc.).

Use the other fields on the search to further narrow your search. Just keep in mind- the more fields/filters you use, the more granular your report will be. 

If there are other fields you would like to use in your search, use the Add/Remove Fields button in the bottom right of the search screen. Click here for a refresher on adding fields to a search.

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