Under Agreement flag


In the summer of 2021, SmartMLS created a new sub-category for the Active status, known as Under Agreement (UA). This was designed for those instances where, rather than having a binding contract in place, you have a meeting of the minds that has been documented by a memorandum of terms, offer to purchase or other type of non-binding agreement. These listings remain in the MLS as an Active status listing, but are required to use the Under Agreement flag. Doing so allows other agents and their buyers to know that the property is still for sale, but is currently subject to a non-binding agreement.

In instances where a listing with an Under Agreement flag cannot be shown, the status must be changed to Temporarily off Market (TEMP) with the Under Agreement flag remaining in place.

If you have a listing where this type of situation is applicable, you can enable the Under Agreement flag by clicking the My Listings/Transactions icon 2023-10-03_13-05-27.jpg in the upper right corner:




Use the drop-down menu in the upper left to view just your Active listings:




Locate the desired listing and click the Edit icon 2023-10-02_12-40-32.jpgon the right side of the screen.

Click Change to Active (Under Agreement) Y/N:




Set the Under Agreement YN drop-down to Yes and use the Date Under Agreement field to note the date of the agreement:




Don't forget to click Save when you're finished.


Listings that are set to Under Agreement will have a UA next to the Status on the List View report:



In other displays, such as the Full Detail report, there will be text right next to the photo that shows the property is under a non-binding purchase agreement:






If you have activated the Under Agreement flag and need to turn it off, click the My Listings/Transactions icon 2023-10-03_13-05-27.jpg in the upper right corner:




Use the drop-down menu in the upper left to view just your Active listings:



Locate the desired listing and click the Edit icon 2023-10-02_12-40-32.jpgon the right side of the screen.

Click Change to Active (Under Agreement) Y/N:




Use the Under Agreement YN drop-down to change the field to No and click Save:




This will remove the text on the listing and it will return to just showing Active.



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