Potential Short Sale field


Prior to March 2019, users could only search for listings that had either a Yes or No in the Potential Short Sale field. This field had not been required* during listing input, so there were many listings with no information (either Yes or No) in the field. Those listings would not come up when using the Potential Short Sale field in a search, since it is impossible to search on a field that has nothing in it.

To solve the problem, we have made Potential Short Sale a required field and have added a third option in the field- Undeclared. You can no longer skip the field during listing input, but you still have the option of not declaring Yes or No- you can simply choose Undeclared.

For listings entered prior to this change, Yes still shows as Yes, and No still shows as No. The main difference now is, if the list agent skipped the field altogether during listing input, we have automatically updated the listing so Potential Short Sale displays Undeclared

You can now accurately see all listings where the list agent did not specifically say it was a Potential Short Sale by selecting both No and Undeclared in the field on the search screen.




If yours was one of the listings where we automatically set the Potential Short Sale field to Undeclared (because you skipped it during listing input), but you would prefer it to show Yes or No, you are certainly free to go in and modify that field as necessary. 

* The MLS is not legally allowed to require either a yes or no in this field. Short Sale status is information regarding the seller's personal financial situation; it is not property information.



The Potential Short Sale field displays in the Listing Information section of the Full Detail report:



This information also appears on our other detailed reports (Agent and Client Full, Flyer and 1-Page), but there is not enough room for this field to appear on our smaller/less detailed reports (such as the List View, Gallery or Thumbnail).


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