Mark listing Under Contract


If you have an accepted offer on your listing and the seller does not want to keep the property on the market for backup offers or showings, you must mark the listing Under Contract (UC).

To do so, go to the Listings menu and click Edit Listing Status:




Enter the desired MLS number and click Submit (or use the link to locate the correct listing):




Use the drop-down menu to select Under Contract:




Enter the Contract Date, Proposed Closing Date (PCD), Buyer Agent ID and Buyer Office (these are the only required fields on this form- you can popluate the other fields as necessary):



If you had previously marked this listing UC- CTS, the PCD, Buyer Agent and Buyer Office fields should retain the information you entered at that time.


Click Save when you're finished.

You will see the following confirmation that your status change was successful:





Related articles:

Listing Status Definitions




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