Add a tour or open house to your listing


Note: The steps in this article apply to Draft listings, Active listings and even listings in the Coming Soon status.

If you are adding an event to a Coming Soon listing, please make sure not to try to schedule it during the Coming Soon period. No showings (including tours/open houses) can occur until the listing has changed from Coming Soon to Active.  



If you are hosting a broker tour or public open house on a property and would like to add the event to your listing, go to Add/Edit> Add/Edit a Tour or Open House:





After selecting the desired listing, you will see the following screen:





If there are any upcoming events for this listing, they will appear in the middle of the window. 

Click Add New Tour/Open House in the upper left to create a new event:





All fields on the form are required (you will not be able to save the event if you skip any of them).

Once you're done, click the Save button.

That brings up another window:





This window allows you to review the event information you just entered. If you need to make any adjustments, click the Edit 2023-10-02_12-40-32.jpg icon on the right side.

You can also enter any additional information in the Comments field.

Click Save when you're finished.

If you do not click Save on the final screen, your event will not be saved and it will not appear on the listing.




Related articles:

View open house information in connectMLS



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