Yearly Market Comparison Report


You can run a Yearly Market Comparison Report from the Market Trends report section of connectMLS. This report makes it quick and easy to see a side-by-side comparison of key market statistics between any two years (starting in 2001).  You can use this report to compare the number, dollar volume and median list (or sales) price of both new and sold listings in your selected years.

Go to Reports> Market Trends:




Go to the Comparison Type field and select Two years:




Use the two drop-down menus in Comparison Type to select the two years you'd like to compare (you can go back as far as 2014):




Enter any criteria you'd like to use to narrow the focus of your search, then click the Generate Report button.

If there are fields you'd like to use that are not already on the search screen, click the Add/Remove Fields button to add them to the search. Click here for detailed instructions on using Add/Remove Fields.




Your report will be broken down into two categories- the top half is for Sold listings and the bottom half is for New listings.

Each category is further broken down into three sections:

  • Number of Sold/New Listings
  • Dollar Value of Sold/New Listings
  • Median Sales/List Price

Within each section there will be separate columns for each of the two years you selected, as well as the difference between the years (represented by both a number and a percentage).


There are buttons in the top right corner that allow you to print or email the report. 

Clicking Customize view allows you to include charts to represent any/all of the sections in the report. You can also add charts for statistics that are not in the default report: Average List Price, Average Sold Price, and Average and Median Days on Market:






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