Add map filters to your search


Did you know: if you are using map layers during your listing search, you can add them as search filters to help you get more precise search results? 


After opening the desired search and entering your criteria (city, price, beds, etc.), click the Show Map button in the top left to plot the matching listings on a map:




Click the map layers icon  2023-05-24_9-07-54.jpg in the upper left corner of the map:




As an example, your customer would like a home that is within a specific Elementary School's district. If you put a check in the Elementary Schools check box, a layer will be added to the map that outlines all of the elementary school districts:



If you click within the desired district, you will see the following pop-up window:




Clicking Add to Filters eliminates all other matching listings except those properties that fall within the selected Elementary School district:




Additionally, it adds a new filter to your search for the school that you have selected:




Your search results have now been narrowed to that one specific Elementary School district.

If you would like to remove the map layer filter, just click Clear (beneath the name of the school).


Note: you can only apply one map layer at a time. If you currently have a map layer applied to your map and try to select another layer, you will see the following:




Clicking Cancel closes the window and brings you back to the map with the existing map layer.

Clicking Proceed removes the existing map layer and applies the new layer you just selected.








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