Print from connectMLS on mobile device


This article assumes that the mobile device you are using to access connectMLS is already configured for printing. 


Once you have selected the listing(s) you would like to print, tap the three dots 2023-04-18_13-47-28.jpg  in the top right corner and then tap Print or Save as PDF:




There are several options along the top of the Print Listings window:


  • Preview the report(s) before you print.
  • Print will send the report to your printer.
  • Save as PDF allows you to save the listing(s) as a PDF file on your mobile device.
  • Close shuts the Print window and brings you back your search results.


The rest of the print window is comprised of four sections:

  1. Properties to Print allows you to select the listing(s) you want to print. You can choose to print the listing you are currently viewing, all listings you have selected or all of your search results:

  2. Use Report Selections to choose to report(s) you would like to print. There are more than twenty system reports to choose from (both client-facing and agent versions). If you have created any custom reports for yourself, you can print the listing(s) in those as well. You can choose as many of the reports as you'd like. When selecting multiple reports, the order in which you select them will be the order in which they print:

  3. The Search Criteria/Statistics and Map Preferences section allows you to add your search criteria, quick statistics and/or a map to your printout. Additionally, you can choose to download the public-facing documents that are attached to the selected listing(s):

  4. The Print Options section at the bottom lets you attach a print header to your printouts. You can add your photo and/or company logo to the header as well:



After going through the four sections, tap the Print button at the top of the window, then tap Share:




When the next screen opens, drag up and tap the Print option:




Use the Printer drop-down menu at the top of the window to select the desired printer:





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