Create custom export (spreadsheet) in connectMLS


There may be times where you find it easier to work with listing information in a spreadsheet format, as opposed to connectMLS's system default reports. With connectMLS, you can easily download the listing information from your search into a spreadsheet (known as an export). And if you are not satisfied with the default fields that are on the export, you can create a custom export that will include only those fields you want.

Before beginning, it is important to remember that custom reports and exports are property type-specific. This means that, if you created a custom report during a Single Family search, that custom report will only be available to use in the future with the results of a Single Family search. You will not be able to access that report from a Multi-Family (or any other property type) search.

The first step in the process of creating a custom export is to create a custom report that includes the fields you want in your export. This article will summarize the process of creating a custom report.
Click here for the full, step-by-step instructions for creating a custom report.



Creating a Custom Report

Start off by running a search and view the results in the List View (single line) report.

Go to the top left and click Modify Columns> Edit Columns:




Clicking Edit Columns opens a new window that allows you to choose the fields you want (and remove those you don't want) on your custom report:




The Available Fields section on the left lets you add fields to the report. The Currently Selected Fields section on the right shows you the fields that are already on the report. It also allows you to remove unwanted fields (using the 2023-01-16_11-24-40.jpg next to the field) and reorder the fields (via drag and drop).

Once you are done setting up your custom report, enter a name for it in the Custom Table Name field (at the top of the window) and click Save.

Now that you have created a custom report, you are ready to create a custom export.


Creating a Custom Export

After you have performed your search and are viewing the matching properties, select the listings you want to include in your report, then go to the top right and click the Download icon 2023-01-16_9-27-19.jpg:





You will then get a pop-up window that asks you to choose the listings that will be included in the export. Make your selection and click Next:





The next window allows you to select the custom report you want to use as a basis for the export:




Note: If you do not see the custom report you're looking for, it was likely created from a different property type search than the one you just ran.

After selecting the desired custom export, click the Next button.


Choose the type of file that will be downloaded and click Next :




Not all four download options function equally. You may have to try multiple options until you find the one that works best for you. Your operating system, browser, version of Excel/Office, etc., will impact which option works best on your computer.


You're finished! The file will download to your PC's Downloads folder (you may also be able to access it from the top right corner of your web browser):





The spreadsheet will reflect the fields you have added/removed/reordered:





Related articles:

Customize the List View report in connectMLS


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