Print listings with maps (connectMLS)


connectMLS provides several options to include maps when you print listing reports.

After you have performed your search and selected your desired listings, click the Print icon 2022-12-06_12-11-25.jpg in the upper right corner of connectMLS:




The Print Listings dialog window opens, allowing you to select the report(s) you would like to print:





There are several reports that enable you to print a map:

  1. Agent Full and Agent Full- Classic
  2. Client Full and Client Full- Classic
  3. Three Map Report
  4. Print a map

You can choose any number of report formats to print simultaneously. Just make note of the fact that, when you are printing multiple report types, the order you check their boxes is the order in which they will be printed.

Also noteworthy is the fact that, if you just put a check in the Print a map check box (at the bottom of the page), it automatically includes the Full Detail report. As opposed to the Full Detail- Client, The Full Detail report does include agent information.




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