Delete an auto email in connectMLS


If you have set up for an automatic email in connectMLS and would like to delete it, start off by going to the Prospecting Manager.

There are a couple ways you can get to the Prospecting Manager.  You can click the icon in the upper right corner of connectMLS:



You can also click the Prospecting Manager link at the bottom of the Automatic Searches widget on the home page:



Either way you access it, once the Prospecting Manager opens, locate the auto email you would like to delete and click the X on the far right of the screen:



You will get a message confirming that you are about to delete a prospecting search:


This message also explains that deleting the auto email will not remove any listings from the Client's Portal.


If you would also like to remove the listings from their Portal, you must go to the My Clients section and delete the folder that is associated with the auto email.

Click the My Clients icon in the upper right corner of connectMLS:



Click on the name of the client to open their dashboard, then go to the Listings section in the upper right and click the delete icon 2022-11-01_15-29-09.jpg next to the name you used when setting up the auto email:



Note: there may be several different folders in the Listings section, so be careful to delete the one you intended to delete.  Since you can have multiple auto emails set up for a client, there will be a separate folder for each, as well as a folder for those listings you have manually sent.


You will get a warning message after clicking the delete icon that explains the consequences of deleting the folder:

  • the listings associated with this auto email will disappear from the client's Portal.
  • the folder will no longer appear when you go to My Clients and click the Listings tab.
  • the search itself will not be deleted (but you can delete that separately, if desired).
  • if the client has indicated interest in any of the listings you are removing, those listings will remain in their Favorites list.



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