Hotsheet widget in connectMLS


The Hotsheet widget lets you quickly search for status changes directly from the connectMLS home page:



There is a separate category for each of the property types on the MLS.  

There is also a Timeframe drop down menu in the upper left of the widget that allows you to narrow your focus to a specific period of time:



  • Since last run= looks for status changes since you last ran the Hotsheet.
  • Today= the current calendar day.
  • Time Range (today)= search within a specific timeframe for the current calendar day. 
  • 24 Hours= search for changes over the previous 24 hours.
  • 3 days= search for changes over the past 3 calendar days.
  • 7 days= search for changes over the past 7 calendar days.
  • Days Back= choose a number of days between 1 and 30.
  • Date Range= search for changes over a specific date range.


Note: It is important to set your timeframe correctly before clicking on the desired Hotsheet. This timeframe will override any timeframe you used when you first created the saved Hotsheet.

However, if you forget to set the correct timeframe before running the Hotsheet, you will still have the ability to change the timeframe after you run a Hotsheet (from the Filters section on the left side of the screen).



Configuring the default Hotsheet searches

By default, when you first click on any of the property types, it will search the entire MLS for any status changes for that category over the given time period. Your first step in working with the Hotsheet widget is to set up your default search criteria (County, Cities, etc.) for each of the property types (they must be configured individually).

Let's start with the Single Family & Condo property type.

Clicking Single Family & Condo will open a screen where your search filters will appear in a column on the far left and any matching properties will appear on the right side. Since we have not yet configured this hotsheet search yet, it will include the entire MLS and there will be a lot of matching listings.

Use the search fields on the left side to customize your Hotsheet search to only include your desired criteria. Once you are all set, click the gear icon at the top of the column of search fields, then click Save Current as My Default:



Click OK on the popup window to finish the process:



To double check your work, go back to the connectMLS home page and click on the Single Family & Condo category within the Hotsheet widget. It should now open up and only display those listings that match the criteria you entered while configuring the search. Going forward, every time you run this same property type hotsheet, it will only return listings that match this default criteria and have changed over the given timeframe.

Note: Before starting any Hotsheet search, make sure to set your timeframe before you select your desired property type.


***Repeat this process for each property type that you will be using for your Hotsheet searches. ***



Adding additional Hotsheet searches to the widget

In addition to the default searches within the Hotsheet widget, you may need to create even more Hotsheet searches for yourself or for clients that you are working with. connectMLS makes this process simple.

For instance, let's create another Single Family & Condo Hotsheet, this time for specific neighborhoods within a certain town. Start the process by clicking on Single Family & Condo again.

Your default Single Family & Condo Hotsheet will open up, displaying your current criteria on the left and any matching listings on the right. All you have to do is use the fields on the left to set up your new search, then go up to the top right corner and click the floppy disk icon:



The Save Search window appears:



  1. You have the option to assign this saved Hotsheet search to a Client (this is not required).
  2. Give the search a name.
  3. Click Save.


After saving the Hotsheet, you get the following window, allowing you to either continue working with the results of this search or start a new search:



Regardless of your choice, if you click the My MLS icon to get back to the home page, your new search should appear in the Hotsheet widget:




Note: any new/custom Hotsheets you create will automatically appear at the bottom of the Hotsheets widget (underneath the system default Hotsheets). There is no way to rearrange the order that the Hotsheets appear in the widget.


You can also start the process of creating a new/additional Hotsheet widget search by going to Search> Hotsheet:




Use the Search Type field at the top of the search to select the specific property type you would like to use for this search. Then simply fill out the desired search criteria and click the Save Search button in the upper right:




You will then get the same Save Search screen we saw earlier in this article:



Complete as necessary and click Save.



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