Client is not receiving connectMLS emails

If your Client complains about not receiving the emails you are sending them from connectMLS, the first thing to do is verify that the emails are being sent successfully from the system.

Click the My Clients icon in the top right corner:


Click the name of the desired Client, then use the drop down menu to select Listings Sent :


The center section of the screen will refresh and display any listings you have emailed the Client from connectMLS.  If you see the emails/listings they claim to not be receiving, that means they have successfully left the connectMLS email server.

Start off by asking the Client to check their spam/junk mail folder.  A lot of times, the recipient's email filter erroneously marks connectMLS emails as spam or junk and the messages are filtered out before ever reaching their Inbox.

It is also a good idea to add a connectMLS contact to their email client- use as the email address.  Generally, when an email comes from an address that is associated with a contact, it is not sent to the Spam/Junk folder.

If you do not see the emails in question when looking at the Listings Sent section, you should double check that the auto email you have set up for the client is configured correctly.

Go up to the top right of their details screen and click Searches (this will give you access to any saved searches or auto emails you have created for them):


Locate the auto email in question and click the pencil icon 2022-10-03_13-15-48.jpg on the right side of the screen:


That will open a screen that displays the settings you have configured for this auto email.  Scroll down towards the bottom and make sure there is a check in the Send notification to the client when the search runs check box:


Related articles :

Set up an auto email in connectMLS

Edit auto email in connectMLS

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