Hide widgets on connectMLS home page


The connectMLS home page is very flexible and easy to customize to achieve a layout that is most suited to your needs. You can rearrange the widgets into most any configuration you desire and even control the number and width of the columns that appear on the dashboard (click here for an article that goes into more detail). You can also choose to hide most of the widgets if you do not use them and want to free up space on the screen.


If you would like to hide (or unhide) a widget, click your initials/photo in the upper right corner and then select My Settings:




Go down to the Personal Information section and click Modify home page layout:




You will then see an overview of how your home page is currently configured:




Each widget has an X in the upper right corner that you can use to remove it from your home page:




Note: you can hide any widget except for the Bulletins widget. This is where the MLS (and possibly your local Board of Realtors) posts important and/or time-sensitive messages to the membership. We do not want anyone missing out on these messages, so we've prevented the widget from being hidden. Additionally, Bulletins must always be at the top of whatever column you place it in. Even if you try to drag another widget above it, Bulletins will float up and lock into the top slot of that column.


Once you click the X, the widget will move down into the section at the bottom of the screen:




If there are any widgets that have been hidden that you would like to put back on the home page, just click the plus sign next to it and it will be added back. These newly added widgets will appear in at the bottom of the first column. You can then drag them out of there and place them into their desired spot.


Remember to click Save Changes when you are finished adding/removing/rearranging widgets.


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