Search by acreage


If you want to search for properties that have a specific amount of acreage or a particular lot size, the first thing you must do is use the Add/Remove Fields button at the bottom right of the search screen to add the Acres field to the search (since it is not one of the default search fields):



Click here for more information on adding fields to your search screen.

Once you have added the Acres field, you can now go in and enter the size of the lot you are looking for:




The Acres field is a range field, so it contains two boxes- one for the minimum and the other for the maximum:

  • enter a figure in the first box and leave the second box empty to do a greater than search (.5 acres or more).
  • leave the first box blank and enter a figure in the second box to do a less than search (1 acre or less).
  • fill in both boxes to do a range search (.5 acres to 1 acre).
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